Dear Kim, Karen and Joe,
So sad to learn of the loss of Gino. I clearly remember the years we spent together in the National Guard and the house projects we completed together during those years. The visits to your home with family were also very special.
I remember Gino as a very intelligent, kind, funny and dedicated individual. Whatever he was doing at the moment, always had his full attention. We enjoyed playing golf together and I always looked forward to those occasions.
I will miss him dearly, even though our only contact recently was remembering Christmas card greetings and well wishes.
Rest in peace, Gino!
Keith Grgurich
Dear Gene, my brother-in-law forever, you and I shared some pretty funny times together. I know you will remember teaching me how to drive using Vicky’s car and taking me down to the valley to learn how to parallel park. You were a great teacher and I remember the one stop we made on Washington Ave in Belleville. I will never forget how patient you were with me. Thank you for being the big brother I never had.
Another adventure we shared was getting stuck with your Volkswagen taking your mom home, in an Easter Sunday blizzard. You trying to push the car and I had the stick shift in drive. You asked me if I was trying to give you a hernia but we laughed about it many times. I always felt comfortable being with you.
You and I shared a lot of laughs and had quite a few serious talks too. I could always talk to you about anything.
You were the only one who called me Bobbie and I will always remember that even when you were so sick and we stayed in touch even then and chatted or emailed when we could if you were up to it.
I will miss you but will always have our great memories we shared. You are and were always a special person in my heart and a great dad to Karen and Joey and they love you for that
Now it’s time for you to rest Gene.
Love, your sister-in-law forever,
I had the pleasure of working with Gino for several years, empowering children in Warren County to be safe, strong, and free. Gino was loved by all. Gino was kind, compassionate, and funny too. I will never forget him. May he rest in the sweetest of peace
So sorry for your loss. I came to know Gene while working at RiteAid and was always happy to see his smiling face. He always had a kind word and made me smile.
The staff of MacFadden Funeral Home extend our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your loved one. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy for your loss. May our thoughts and prayers provide comfort for your family during this difficult time.
Funeral Planning
Grief Support
other Advice
325 Hardwick Street
Belvidere, New Jersey 07823
Phone: 908-475-2210
Thomas J. Balka, Manager, N.J. Lic No. 3588