To all Marie’s family,
When Marie would make all her Irish Soda Breads for gifts, she would make mine w/o caraway seeds, as she knew I didn’t like them.
She was a wonderful lady with the most beautiful hair!
I will keep you all in prayer.
Millie Parsons
Dear Mr. O,
We are sorry for your loss. We know you will never forget her. Keep pushing forward during this hard time.
With Love,
Anthony, Rivado, Jair, Naomi, Giancarlo, Jonathan & Juan from PAHS
Mrs. O’Hara as I knew her most of my life was an amazing person. She was always so loving and would always want to know about what was going on with our lives. She had a way of making you feel so special. I will miss her terribly. She will live on in the lives of her”boys.” She was an incredible parent who had a hand in all things. Rest in peace Mrs. O’Hara thank you for being you I love you
Jenni Funcheon Jordano
Marie was a great friend to our late Mam, her cousin, Eileen Patterson (nee Whelan).
Sending our sympathies to Vince and all the family from the Pattersons in Dublin.
Ar dheas Dé go raibh a hanam dilís.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
Mary Patterson
My Wife Robin and I were so very sorry to hear of Mrs. Iacampo’s passing.
And would like to extend our deepest condolences to the O’Hara & Iacampo Families.
May our FATHER In Heaven Comfort You all as only HE can through Christ Our LORD.
With all of our Love
Paul & Robin Wallace
Sincere condolences to the O'Hara family, her husband Vince and sister in law Arline from your Irish Cousins, Eleanor, Margot and Ed Fraser. "Ar dheis Dè go raibh a hAnam dìlis" (Gaelic-translation: May her soul be at God's right hand). RIP Marie.
Incredible women that will be missed.
My condolences
The staff of MacFadden Funeral Home extend our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your loved one. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy for your loss. May our thoughts and prayers provide comfort for your family during this difficult time.
Funeral Planning
Grief Support
other Advice
325 Hardwick Street
Belvidere, New Jersey 07823
Phone: 908-475-2210
Thomas J. Balka, Manager, N.J. Lic No. 3588