Dear Marys Family, I did not know her for long but the times we met were always a good laugh. She is missed at Bingo and many other places where she visited. Condolences and prayers for you all. Rita and Bill Moraski
When I saw her photo, I instantly recognized Mary from St. Patrick's Church at morning Mass and as a lector. I enjoyed listening to her read. My heart aches for her dear family. I am praying for all of you and may her soul rest in peace. Remember, Mary is with you every day in spirit, pray to her!
MaryJean Fiore & Family
Mary was always a faithful and joyful member of the St. Patrick's Community during my time as pastor. May she join her family and friends in the eternal presence of the Lord.
Reverend Matthew R. Paratore, S.T.L., J.C.L
Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Peace in Fords NJ
The staff of MacFadden Funeral Home extend our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your loved one. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy for your loss. May our thoughts and prayers provide comfort for your family during this difficult time.
Funeral Planning
Grief Support
other Advice
325 Hardwick Street
Belvidere, New Jersey 07823
Phone: 908-475-2210
Thomas J. Balka, Manager, N.J. Lic No. 3588