My dear sweet friend the empty space you've left will be enormous.For nearly 17 months now, since I had my stroke, you have consistently checked in on me to ask how I was doing. Always trying to cheer nd encourage me No matter how miserable and down I was you still had me nelievingvthst before I knew it we'd be sitting by your stream or on your deck. When I finally got out, you'd come over and go through all my photos with me to see if I had any from the day we took Hailey and Jon(my son) to Land of Make Believe I'm sure Hailey was there many times So I was so surprised when you said she remembered It really was a great da Luke always so good to reconnect.My whole life, no matter how long it had ,even since we saw each other, whether a few days or years, whenever I saw you, you always treated me like it was the best thing ever to see me Then of course, gave me the very best of hugs. We're all going to miss you so I can't even bear to this k ehstvits like for your family. I'm sending them and all your many friends big Love,peace and hugs